Video Sharing with Qitera

Qitera lets you easily share different forms of web content. Video is a main part. With the Qitera-plugin you can save and share videos from all major video platforms with just one click. If you simply save the video you will find it in your personal content feed called "My Stuff". If you add the video to one of your topics you will also get back to it on the specific topic-page.

Additionally, you can contribute and share videos via the Qitera website by using the "Add New Item"-function and choose "add website/video". Just copy and paste the URL of the video into the dialog box and press "save". You can then assign a topic to share the video with selected friends and colleagues.

You can use the comment features and icons to securely communicate with friends.


Anonymous said...

Hey Guys,
i´m using the Qitera service since three weeks ago and it is really a wounderful web-tool. Sharing links with my friends via e-mail is over now. I´ve just create a topic witch is called musicplease, where i and my friends collect, share and comment all the new musicstuff from the web.

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